Roasted Chicken from Yummy Roast

As promised, here is the roasted chicken of Yummy Roast.

A little disappointed about our previous experience at Yummy Roast, we decided to give it a try again. But this time, we are going for their best seller which is, Roasted Chicken.

The roasted chicken comes in two kinds, the first one which I ordered is the regular roasted chicken. The second one is the roasted chicken with unlimited rice.

For my order, as expected, it is quite satisfying. I failed to remember the price of this dish but I am guessing it is somewhere between Php. 70 to Php. 90 pesos.

Just like with the Pork Belly Rice Topping, the rice is cooked with lemon grass. Again how I wish they serve this with a plain rice only. Then, going to the chicken, it was quite small but full of flavor. The chicken is not dry. I would recommend this dish for those who are on a diet and on a tight budget like me.
Now, the roasted chicken with unlimited rice, although I did not order this one, is I think the best choice if you're going to eat at Yummy Roast. The chicken is bigger compared to the regular roasted chicken. The rice is the same, it's with lemon grass but the succeeding rice that will be served is just plain rice, which I think is good. The price of this dish is Php. 99 pesos without drinks. I would recommend this dish for those rice lovers and to those who wants to taste the best seller of the restaurant.

So, if you happen to eat at Yummy Roast, try their roasted chicken.

Thank you and stay tuned in taste bud speaks.


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