Conduct Unbecoming (Our Daily Bread)


Read: 1 Corinthians 5


Those who are outside God judges.Therefore "put away from yourselves the evil person."-1Corinthians5:13(OurDailyBread)


A Season of Renewal (Our Daily Bread)


Those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength.-Isaiah40:31(OurDailyBread)

Recount If Necessary (Our Daily Bread)


Abraham was old,well advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.-Genesis24:1(OurDailyBread)

Gratitude or Grumbling (Our Daily Bread)


...rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith,...abounding in it with thanksgiving.-Colossians2:7(OurDailyBread)

Blue-Ribbon Christians (Our Daily Bread)


He knows the way that I take;when He has tested me,I shall come forth as gold.-Job23:10(OurDailyBread)

You Go Around Twice (Our Daily Bread)


I am the resurrection and the life.-John11:25(OurDailyBread)

Not Enough Mercy (Our Daily Bread)


Love your enemies,bless those who curse you,do good to those who hate you.-Matthew5:44(OurDailyBread)

Satti, a chilly treat


If you love spicy food and you happened to be in Zamboanga City, Philippines then you better look for this hot spicy delicious Satti.

Satti is a spicy dish usually made in Zamboanga City. It has this thick spicy color orange sauce, usually served with 5 sticks of small beef cubes, and with a suman that would serve as its rice. But sometimes, consumers can substitute the beef cubes to chicken barbeque, liver or to what ever available.

The highlight of this dish is the sauce. It is the one that makes this really spicylicously delicious. Usually, the eatery that sells this dish gives their customers unlimited sauce. So, don't be shy to ask.

There are number of eatery that sells sattie in Zamboanga, but we recommend the following:
  • Amigos Amigas Satti House, Canelar St., Zamboanga City.
  • Satti house located at La Purisima St., Zamboanga City.
Satti is a best choice usually for a cold day, for a person who wants to perspire, or simply for breakfast or snacks. When you eat this, make sure you're having a soda or a sweet drink, it will help to fight the heat in your mouth.

Thank you and stay tuned in taste bud speaks.

Not A Killjoy (Our Daily Bread


Take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful tress,...and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God-Lev.23:40(OurDailyBread)

Breaking the Grip of Guilt (Our Daily Bread)


I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,and their sins...I will remember no more.-Hebrews8:12(OurDailyBread)

Amigos Amigas' Special Pork Batchoy


In Zamboanga City, there is this eatery known for their delicious special pork batchoy.

Personally, I love their Special Pork Batchoy. It has spring onions, boiled egg, garlic, and my favorite, chicharon. For me, it is the chicharon that makes this batchoy really special. You will really love this food, plus it is really affordable.

Usually, we partner this with a soda and a cup of rice. 

So, if ever you're near Canelar St., Zamboanga City, Philippines, do not forget to drop by Amigos Amigas. It is an eatery ready to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 times a week.

Thank you and stay tuned to taste bud speaks.

Bad Gifts (Our Daily Bread)


There will be false teachers among you,who will secretly bring in destructive heresies,even denying the Lord.-2Peter2:1(OurDailyBread)

Known For Humility (Our Daily Bread)


Be clothed with humility.-1Peter5:5(OurDailyBread)

Found: The Missing Piece (Our Daily Bread)


He is before all things,and in Him all things consist.-Colossians1:17(OurDailyBread)

Wafer Lovers


If you love wafers then this treat is for you.

Recently, I was able to stumble upon this treat when my mom bought me a box of Apollo Pandan Stick Wafers at the Barter located in Canelar, Zamboanga City, Philippines.

The box contains 30 small packs of Pandan Stick Wafers and each pack contains 3 sticks. The stick wafer tastes really good for me. You can really taste the Pandan flavor. Two colleagues of mine really loved the product. On the other hand, I do not recommend this as a snacks because it really tastes good that you would want some more every time you finish a pack. So what I do, I just eat it for my desert and brush my teeth right away to avoid eating more.

A box of Apollo Pandan Stick Wafers costs around Php. 120.00. For me, it is good for desert, add on to your ice cream, and a gift to your friends.

So, we hope you will also enjoy it.

Thank you and enjoy as our taste bud speaks.

To God be all the glory.

A Sacrifice Remembered (Our Daily Bread)


Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself,lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.-Hebrews12:3(OurDailyBread)

About Taste Bud Speaks



We are Ambrosia and Procopio, two wacky guzzlers from the tropical Southern island of the Philippines (home of DELICIOUS dishes). We do food tripping all the time, so we decided to blog about our food adventures to share to other food lovers.

We're not really fans of stars, so this is how we rate our food experience:
"No, no!" -- We don't recommend the dish at all!
"*Lazy* Yeah..." -- The food is OK but there's a little problem...
"Yes, yes!" -- We totally love the food, and we recommend it for your next food adventure.

So stay tuned and get your spoon and fork (and knife?) ready as Taste Bud Speaks.

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